Tuesday, October 13, 2009

What a writer!!

The kids have been working really hard on being "juicy" creative writers. We have been learning all about BATS for the past couple weeks and the kids are loving it! The kids have worked very hard on creating some amazing poems about bats that are full of fancy words and exciting details!

I am so proud of how hard the kids are working to challenge themselves to be "juicy" writers. Here is a bat poem for you to read!

This poem was written by Lauren. She did a great job of using juicy words to create vivid picture in the reader's mind.

Bats, Bats, Bats
In the dark, crisp and rocky cave there sat a cold blooded vampire bat.
The vampire bat soared through the deep, dark forest to grab a little bunny.
Now, people are in such fright!
The flying mammal crept in the cold, moist air.
The sweet fruit bat couldn't hurt a fly.
The flying fox is the great creature of the night.
The mist in the air faded away into the clouds as the skinny, tall bat zoomed across the sky.
An owl swooped up a fruit bat from the warm air, as a vampire bat crept through the midnight sky up high.
By Lauren

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